Building a Hydroponic Garden
Hydroponic gardening concept comes from Greek words: hydro – water and ponics -work. Using less soil agriculture gardening has been used for centuries.Hydroponic gardening is proven to have multiple benefits over conventional one. The growth speed of hydroponically kept plants is almost 30% faster than the ones, grown with conventional methodology. The harvest is obviously greater. The hydroponic plant requires little energy then uses.This keep back energy is collected to grow faster and to produce fruits. Hydroponic plants are considered to have fewer difficulties with insects and disease. In general, hydroponic garden gives us better plants.
Hydroponic gardens are considered active and passive. An active moves the nutrient solution, usually using a pump. Passive, from the other hand rely on the vessels and medium or a wick. The nutrient absorbs by the medium and passes lengthwise to the roots. Passive systems do not supply enough oxygen, they are mostly wet. Hydroponic gardening is recovery or none. Recovery, known as recirculating recycles the nutrient solution. Non-recovery: nutrient is applied to the medium and not recovered.
Building your hydroponic Garden starts with some basic planning: Consider what to grow.As it is very beneficial methodology, hydroponic gardening has its limitations. Carefully selecting plants to grow is the first step to success.
Decide the quantity of sorts and plant type to grow. As home or low level gardening face you some limitations. One of them is space. Consider diversity of plant to grow so the symbiosis between them to work for you.
Estimate the size of the area to set up your hydroponic garden. Let’s say, a mixture of 50 cabbages most likely will be grown in 4-5 pipes of 10 centimeters round and 3 to 3.5meters long by 2 meters wide. The whole installation will be consequently around 6 m2.
Steadily-spot and space 10 centimeters holes for the 10 centimeters containers to be located in. At this stop you could consider including grow bags instead of pots. For the first month and case of in warm weather or if climate requires it, cloth used around will be very useful under these circumstances.Set up your hydroponic garden with water gel crystals, fertilizers and water to strength of an average of 24 CF Plant your grown by yourself or bought seedlings by taking seedlings out of their grow bags and carefully washing away most of the soil from the roots.Put clean slips in the medium. This could be perlite Rockwool or NFT channeling. Rockwool is a popular hydroponic medium. Its main compound is melted rock spun into slabs. It has a texture rather like insulation. Rockwool as well as NFT provides an excellent balance of water and oxygen for your hydroponic garden.Wisely regulate organic stability of nutrients to water by adding mostly water, since the water will mostly evaporate. Check daily and if needed take needed precautions.
Keep your hydroponic garden plants grow about 4 – 5months. Keep pests away and watch if roots go slimy, to prevent them from turning brown.
And finally the effect of all efforts: Harvest when needed.Flat the hydroponic entire system when harvested. Sterilize to remove any trace of bacteria and mold. This step will help you on next set of actions. Consider keeping entire system for reusing on next cycle as it’s not hard to keep and reuse. Benefits are obvious.