
Simple Home DIY Projects

Although some home repairs should be left over to the professionals, there are some that can successfully be carried out by yourself if you have the time, energy and are willing to learn how to do them properly. Let’s take stucco damage for example. It can successfully be repaired by just about every homeowner, including those who don’t have prior experience with home DIY projects.

What Causes Stucco Cracks and Chunks Falling Off

If you want your home DIY project to be a success, you need to understand what you are dealing with. So if you want to repair stucco cracks and blisters, it is of utmost importance to know what is causing them because if you simply patch the cracks and missing pieces, you might find yourself repairing it again a few months later.

Stucco damage can be caused by a number of factors but it is most often caused by moisture getting into tiny cracks which in turn are caused by the effects of time and exposure to the harsh outdoor elements. However, stucco damage can also be caused by improper water drainage, nearby trees and vegetation or high ground water penetrating the building structure. If this is the case, it is just as important to eliminate the root cause of the problem, for example redirecting rainwater away from the building or removing the trees and vegetation. But as much as stucco repair itself is concerned, it’s a relatively simple and straight forward process.

5 Simple Steps to Follow to Repair Stucco Yourself

Step #1: Remove all loose pieces of stucco. Take a hammer and mason’s chisel and remove all pieces of stucco that are loose. They would come off anyway within a few months.

Step #2: Replace the mesh beneath stucco if necessary. Fasten a new piece of mesh beneath stucco if the existing one is damaged.

Step #3: Apply stucco patch mix to the opening. Make sure to cover the opening throughly and apply a bit extra stucco.

Step #4: Even the new stucco with the rest of the surface. Also, match the pattern with the existing stucco before it dries.

Step #5: Repeat the process on other parts of the house needing repair.

Achieving a Perfect Color Match

Obviously, new stucco color won’t match the existing one as the effects of time and weather leave their mark on the color as well. To achieve a perfect color match, add a coloring pigment to your stucco patch mix.

Don’t Forget About Safety

Stucco repair is probably one of the least dangerous home DIY projects. However, it is highly important to be aware that wet cement can cause skin burns. And stucco patch mix is basically wet cement. So be sure to work with gloves all the time. If wet stucco gets on your skin somehow anyway, wash it off immediately with plenty of water. You are also recommended to put on safety goggles before getting to work to protect your eyes against flying chips of stucco when removing the loose areas.