
How To Organize Your Kitchen For The Important Days

Holiday season belongs to family and friends, the time for fancy dinners, great parties, and good-hearted helpers in your kitchen. Your friend wants to do the dishes, or help you serve. Everyone goes to the fridge to get ice. The traffic in your kitchen never stops. Is your kitchen ready for those helping hands and roving eyes? Preparing your kitchen a head of time will not only give you a peace of mind with visitors; getting organized a head of time guarantees a stress-free holiday season.

Two weeks before the holidays arrive start with an overall thorough cleaning. Get in your cupboards clean the fronts and the handles, and organize the inside. Take inventory of what you have, and what you will need. Get rid of outdated stuff and clean the surfaces inside the cupboards. Do the windows, and the floors, give them a good deep cleaning so all you need later is a light run over the floors.

For major cooking and baking, time to take care of appliances. Cleaning and disinfecting your stove, oven, microwave, coffee maker, blenders, food processors, and serving utensils. Check out all your pots and pans, do you need something new. Get rid of old damaged pots.

Think about your table setting and the type of dinners you’ll be serving, will it be a buffet or a sit- down dinner? For a buffet, you can go with the plastic utensils; choose from the many lovely available settings at the party store. Create a warm and beautiful table for your guests. If it’s a sit-down dinner look at your dishes do you have enough of everything? You may want to take advantage of some good sales out there and get a new set. Do not forget the tablecloth, and the theme. Plan a head think about your guests and plan accordingly.

Plan your menus, cook, and freeze items weekly. Defrost the night before and you are sure to have a successful event. The more you do a head of time the better your holidays will be. Do not forget to make a to-do list, and organize your coupons. Get your circulars beforehand and look for special deals. For holiday cheer, go to the liquor store and stock up.

Do not forget the fridge make room. Get rid of those leftovers you saved for a year in the freezer, clean and defrost your freezer. Take inventory of foods you can use, and clean the ice trays. Clean out the vegetable bins, and the inside of the fridge. You can rest your minds knowing your fridge is safe and clean when your guests want to help.

Once having done all the cleaning it’s time to stock up on things you will need. Make sure you have all the spices you will need, as well as baking goods like flower, sugar, salt, yeast, etc. Plan your menus, and make a list of essential ingredients. This is also a good time to buy holiday potholders and towels for your kitchen.

Preparing your kitchen head of time will give you a hassle-free holiday season. Don’t forget to check every corner, because of possible mold or mildew in the kitchen. Look forward to a peaceful and magical time with your family and friends. Oh, and don’t forget to get a new outfit for yourself.